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1. Chi-Ang Tseng, Prasanta Kumar Sahoo, Chuan-Pei Lee, Yu-Ting Lin, Jing-Han Xu, and Yit-Tsong Chen, “Synthesis of CoO-Decorated Graphene Hollow Nanoballs for High-Performance Flexible Supercapacitors”, ACS Appl. Mater. Inter. 12 (2020) 40426-40432. (林鈺庭&許靖翰)

2. Hsin-Yu Chen, Yi-Hong Xiao, Lin-Jiun Chen, Chi-Ang Tseng*, and Chuan-Pei Lee*(corresponding author), “Low-dimensional Nanostructures for electrochemical Energy Applications”, Physics 2 (2020) 481-502. (陳心瑜&蕭逸宏&陳琳鈞)

3. 李巧琳、林汶諭、蕭逸宏、李權倍*,階層結構氧化鈷修飾碳化矽奈米線陣列電極於微型超級電容之應用,真空科技期刊,主題:有機 &無機光電元件,主編:鄭信民教授,中華民國一百零九年九月第三十三之三期第三十一頁

4. 學生論文獎優等獎: 黃郁涵、蔡孟霖、余政儒、李權倍,“鐵/鈷二元金屬有機骨架材料之成核機制及共溶劑對形貌的影響”,中國材料科學學會年會(MRS-T 2020), November 6-7, 2020, 明志科技大學,新北市,台灣。

5.海報論文競賽佳作: Yu-Ting Peng, Yan-Chi Chen, Chuan-Pei Lee, Chen-Hao Wang, Kuei-Hsien Chen, Li-Chyong Chen, “Graphene-Wrapped copper nanoparticles for artificial photosynthesis”, TACT 2020 International Thin Films Conference, National Taipei University of Technology, Taipei, Taiwan, October 23-24 (2020). (彭鈺婷 & 陳言茬)

​6.Chueh-An Chen, Chiao-Lin Lee, Po-Kang Yang, Dung-Sheng Tsai*, and Chuan-Pei Lee*(corresponding author), “Active Site Engineering on Two-Dimensional-Layered Transition Metal Dichalcogenides for Electrochemical Energy Applications: A Mini-Review”, Catalysts 11 (2021) 151-156. (陳玨安&李巧琳)


8.林汶諭、劉承恩、李權倍、殳國俊、吳恆良,臨場振動光譜在電化學界面的進展及應用,《化學》季刊,主題:各類型振動光譜技術,主編:朱立岡教授,中華民國一百一拾年七月第七十九卷第二期 (DOI: 10.6623/chem.202106_79(2).010)。


10. 榮獲傑出論文獎入圍證明獎狀: Jun-Bi Yang, Li-Min Wang, Yan-Chi Chen, Chuan-Pei Lee*, Kuei-Hsien Chen and Li-Chyong Chen, “Graphene-wrapped Copper Nanoparticles for Photocatalysis of CO2”, The 27th International Electron Devices and Materials Symposium (IEDMS 2022), National Chi Nan University, Puli, Nantou, Taiwan, October 27-28 (2022). (楊竣弼&王俐旻&陳言茬)

​11.Shiao–Yun Ho, Hsuan-I Chu, Yi-June Huang, Dung-Sheng Tsai*, and C. P. Lee* (corresponding author), “Polypyrrole-coated copper@graphene core-shell nanoparticles for supercapacitor application”, Nanotechnology 34 (2023) 125401. (何曉昀&朱軒誼)

12.Hsuan-I Chu, Shiao–Yun Ho, Yi-June Huang, Dung-Sheng Tsai*, and C. P. Lee* (corresponding author), “Synthesis of non-planar graphene-wrapped copper nanoparticles with iron(III) oxide decoration for high performance supercapacitors”, Nanotechnology 34 (2023) 285401. (朱軒誼&何曉昀)


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